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Listening with Your Heart Not Your Head

It’s funny how I can tune something out and then when I give my attention to it, it opens up a whole new world. I’m finding that I usually tune things out when I think something about it, label it and move on. In those moments I’m listening with my head. When I stop and listen past my thoughts something else appears. In that moment, I’m listening with my heart.


Recently, one of those moments happened to me.


My dog Bella LOVES mealtime! I know she’s done when I hear the clanging of the dog tag stop once she’s licked the bowl clean. Every time, not occasionally, every time, when I pick up the bowl to clean it, there is one lone green bean sitting in the bowl. This has been going on since I started adding green beans to her food.


Now, I’ve noticed it. And I went into my head with it and made up the story that I had to mix up her food better. I found myself mixing it up a little more. But there was that one lone bean after every meal. After a while, I just shrugged, threw it out, cleaned the bowl, and went on with my day.


The other day after she finished, I noticed the bean and I looked at her. “Bella Girl, why do you always leave one bean?” As she was looking at me and I was looking at her, a thought came to mind. She was purposely leaving a little something for me. It was her way of saying thank you and leaving me a treat. In that moment, I kid you not, she smiled.


By stopping and taking a moment and being present with what happened, I relaxed into my heart. Like I said: Whole. New. World. Now after each meal, I look forward to seeing that lone bean and I thank her every time I clean the bowl. Shifting from my head to my heart turned an ordinary everyday chore into two moments of heart connection during my day.


Listening with my heart and not my head completely shifted my experience!


And I’ll take it!

Is there something going on in your life that shifting from listening with your head into your heart would be a game changer?


If you would like some support in shifting from living your life from your head into living it from your heart, book a session with me. I’ll hold a safe space so that you can relax into your heart once again. I promise you, if you work with me, you can do it! Click here to book a session today:

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